Sunday, March 30, 2014

Baked and Glorious

Although I don't know if I would classify this as "crafty," I recently became ADDICTED To baking. All gluten-free of course. My bible? My guide? The Gluten Free Goddess herself. I honestly never thought I could or would bake. Funny now as I sit in my kitchen with my apron on in front of my oven, watching in awe as my g-f Cinnamon Raisin scones rise. RISE! RISE! (Isn't that a quote from Hocus Pocus??)

Anyway, it all started before St. Patrick's Day. I LOVE Irish Soda Bread but being gluten free it was just another thing I had to give up. Truthfully, I don't miss much about gluten. But Irish Soda Bread is definitely one thing that still hold my heart. Well as it turns out there are about one million different versions of how to make GF Irish Soda Bread on the web. Some seemed simple, some really complex. I finally decided on this one. Seemed doable... Until I saw the 5 different kinds of flour/starch I needed to make it. But I was determined. $80.00 later I had all the ingredients. And I did it. And it was fantastic.

A few days later when I decided to make dinner again for my sisters, I decided to bake something again, as I had so many damn kinds of flour/starch/weird ass ingredients taking up room in my cabinets. That's when I made Quinoa Pumpkin Pecan Chocolate Chip Cookies (from my girl the gfgoddess). They were delicious. So rare I get to eat gooey yummy different kinds of cookies. Most GF cookies in the store are hard and stale and ALWAYS plain chocolate chip.

From there I went on to make Chocolate Chip Banana Bread (YUM!), Orange & Cranberry Soda Bread (my sister loved the first soda bread so much I had to make some again for her,) Pumpkin Pecan Muffins, and Carrot Cake Muffins. And as I write, my Cinnamon Zuchinni Bread is cooling and my Cinnamon Raisin Scones are baking in the oven. I mean this has all happened in a few weeks.
Top: Carrot Cake Muffins - Bottom: Choc-Chip Banana Bread

Left: Pumpkin Pecan Muffins - Right: Orange & Cranberry Soda Bread

I've also been cooking new recipes, but like, I always do that so it doesn't feel as special.

So next time you see me, please ask for some baked goods, because as much as I love them, I gotsta watch my figure.